Displaying my work, my interests, and my projects.
Penta Security System
Kubernetes Operator for Security Products
I designed and developed a Kubernetes operator for the security products. The operator has a domain-specific knowledge about the products and enables the products to be seamlessly integrated with Kubernetes. Specifically, It provides dynamic configuration via custom resources and service discovery, and operational automation ranging from error remediation, blue-green deployment and dynamic scaling on load.
Open Source Software Contribution
Contour (Kubernetes Ingress Controller)
At that time, Contour was implementing Gateway API, which is a standard kubernetes gateway interface replacing Ingress API. I added support for the RequestMirror HTTPRoute filter type at the rule level in Gateway API (Pull Request 4557). I also tried to add thorough testings. For instance, I added an E2E test code which reads the mirror server's logs, and searches the particular logs related to the mirrored request to check if Contour mirrors successfully the request.